
An interactive breakroom mobile app for remote workers

Hackathon | Hack the Curve | The DMZ Ryerson

Position | UX Researcher, UI Designer

Duration | 2 Weeks

Tools | Figma, Illustrator


#HacktheCurve challenges teams to develop a solution that could alleviate some of the greatest difficulties being faced by Canadians as a consequence of COVID-19.


With many individuals working remotely - colleague engagements and interactions has decreased. In addition, many believe casual colleague interactions stop when working remotely.


Mobile app that offers a platform for organized engagement within teams.

Primary Research

My team and I started our research with identifying our target market. We concluded that our focus is for individuals who have the opportunity to work from home or their roles permits them to.

User Interviews

To begin the process in creating the solution, we determined key aspects to implement in the mobile app as guided by the following problem statements.


Meet Alexis and Carl, our main personas for the context of this hackathon and solution project.

Secondary Research

To guide the process in creating a solution, I synthesized how I might solve the following problem statements through searching data and percentages of individuals working from home and those who feel lonely when working at home or remote.

Design Process

Visual Identity

One of the first steps that I considered in the design process was the Smithsonian Visual Brand guide. Below is a glimpse of their established brand guidelines.


As the UX/UI designer I first began designing low-fidelity wireframes prior to finalizing the high-fidelity prototypes.

Feedback + Iterations + Testing

Using the feedback received from my team and our mentor for the hackathon I thought about how we can not only continue engagement between colleagues during the pandemic, but also how individuals can continue using the mobile platform. What keeps our users of the app engaged? How do we increase longevity of use?

Engagement Standings

This creates a friendly competition amongst colleagues while at home. The gamification aspect would help with the continuous use of the mobile app as it sparks the competitiveness between individuals, especially when you are recognized for your efforts.

The Solution

After receiving feedback and iterating my wireframes, I moved on to creating the high fidelity designs and revisited my problem statements and guiding questions.

Interact with It!

Play around with the prototype however you want. Experience the app on how it would work when actually playing with the prototype Play around with the prototype however you want.


There are more pressing challenges individuals are facing aside from the lack of in-person interactions during the pandemic. Although our mobile app and solution solves the problem regarding the lack of employee collaborations and interactions when remote, it does not directly support the frontline workers or improve healthcare as stated in the brief.

It was and continues to be very challenging to design a solution for a global event that is still ongoing and ever-changing. We all were not prepared for a pandemic to occur however, ensuring to conduct user testing and interviews truly helped with the feedback and validation of our solution. This gives us an opportunity to branch out and determine how else we can fight the pandemic aside from apps.

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